vurfx (or sometimes Vurf*) is the name given to my visualisation software, available from github in the links in menus. I've also done a few gigs and performed visuals with this rig, most notably The Cabinet of Lost Secrets at Nozstock 2017 and the 'end is here' stage at Feral Fest 2017. * from "Vurfing the Gwrx", a short story I loved as a kid
Some videos [2019-2020]
doctea and Vurfx on YouTube
Most of these recent music videos for doctea tracks were made using r_e_c_u_r, a DIY video sampler and FX unit that I’ve also contributed some code to allow plugins such as control of the Panasonic MX range of video mixers. Some of them also feature footage of the Nootropic Design Video Experimenter board, connected to r_e_c_u_r via veboard.
Diskoko / Bigscape
King Silver
Hell Freezes / All these/ Dawn Flyer
Vurfx source now on github
Bitbucket have shut down their Mercurial support, so I’ve moved the Vurfx sourcecode to GitHub instead, available here:
Rainbow Hill Dance Club: Test footage
Live stream of getting Vurfx ready ahead of the Rainbow Hill Dance Club put on by Ed Steelefox in October 2018! Also showing some behind-the scenes footage of the Vurfx UI.
There’s a great video Ed’s put together of the event too:
Vurfx @ Cabinet of Lost Secrets, Nozstock ‘2017
A selection of videos 2013-2017
Doctor Tea vs The Retinal Circus – Prescription From the Pharmacy of Bitterness and Bliss + vurfx + 50s Housewife on LSD [2013-2017]
doctea – broken dream + vurfx + Dave Simpson Art [2013]
doctea – arsh amour + vurfx [2012]
Jerome Warfare – ‘The Brain’ feat Bobby Parker, Retinal Circus & doctea
with the crazy and somewhat disturbing video by Charlie Mounsey aka Unwelcome Human!
doctea – ‘sentience’ + Day of the Triffids + Windows Movie Maker